Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Ephesians 3:8 (NKJV)

“To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,”

Paul described himself as “the least of the saints” meaning that in his mind he was the lest deserving Christian there was, he meant that without God’s help he would never have been able to do God’s work. God chose him for His Ministry, He chose him to share the Good News with the Gentiles and gave him the power to do it, just like He has done with you and me. Don’t feel like you have a minor role in the ministry, in our minds we may be thinking that we are not worthy, let’s not forget what a difference God makes. Draw on God’s power, just do your part, and faithfully perform that special role that God has given you to play in His plan.

God is calling, consider that call. God is calling you to the ministry, the call could be as a pastor or a servant of the Church, but we are all called upon to proclaim the Word, and to share the Gospel.

God still calls us . . . Are you ready for the call? 

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Efesios 3:8 (RVR1960)

“A mí, que soy menos que el más pequeño de todos los santos, me fue dada esta gracia de anunciar entre los gentiles el evangelio de las inescrutables riquezas de Cristo,”

Pablo se describió a sí mismo como "el menor de los santos" lo que significa que en su mente era el Cristiano mas despreciado que había, lo que quería decir era que sin la ayuda de Dios nunca habría sido capaz de hacer la obra de Dios. Dios lo escogió para su ministerio, él lo eligió para compartir las Buenas Nuevas con los gentiles y le dio el poder para hacerlo, al igual que ha hecho con nosotros. No te sientas como si tuvieras un papel de menor importancia en el ministerio, en nuestra mente podemos estar pensando que no somos dignos, no nos olvidemos de que Dios hace una diferencia en nosotros. Recuestate en el poder de Dios, solo has tu parte, y fielmente desempeña ese papel especial que Dios te ha dado como parte de su plan.

Dios lo está llamando, considere esa llamada. Dios te está llamando al ministerio, ese llamado podría ser como un pastor o un servidor de la Iglesia, pero todos somos llamados a proclamar la Palabra de Dios, y para compartir el Evangelio.

Dios todavía nos llama. . . ¿Estás listo para la llamada?

Ministerio Rayed Redemption
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, July 24, 2015


Luke 4:3 (NKJV)

Satan so tried to manipulate Jesus in the wilderness, just like he manipulates so many of us today, Jesus demonstrates to us that we must hold firm to our beliefs, our faith, and our knowledge that we can without a doubt confront temptation by our God given strength. In this verse we could see the three manners in which Satan attacked Jesus;

1. Doubt: “If you are the Son of God,” note that Satan tries to tempt us to doubt whether Jesus is the Son of God just like he did to Jesus. He plants the seed knowing that if we begin to have doubts about Jesus being God it becomes easier for him to get us to do what he wants. During these questioning times we can sort out our beliefs, strength and faith, then again these could be very dangerous times. If you are dealing with doubt be aware that you are vulnerable to temptation. As you search for answers always protect yourself, meditating on the unshakable truths of God’s Word.

2. Temptation: “change this stone into a loaf of bread,” Satan knew that Jesus could turn that stone into bread, and so did Jesus. Jesus being tempted to turn the stone into bread was not wrong in itself, turning that stone into bread would not have been necessarily bad. The sin would not have been the act of turning the stone into bread, no the sin would have been the motive behind it. Satan was trying to get Jesus to take a short cut so He could solve the immediate problem of being weak from fasting those 40 days at the expense of His long-range goals by seeking comfort at the expense of his discipline. That’s the way Satan works persuading us to take action, even if it is the right action, for the wrong reason or at the wrong time. Just because something is not wrong in itself does not mean that it is good at a given time. Many of us try to fulfill legitimate desires outside of God’s will or ahead of his timetable. Why not first ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into our decisions? Or should we let Satan get us off track?

3. Strength: Many times the Devil will tempt us through our strengths rather than through our weaknesses. He tried to tempt Jesus at one of his strengths, the power to turn stones into bread, the power over the kingdoms of the world, and angles. Satan wanted Jesus to use that power without regard for his mission. When we give him into the devil and wrongly use our strengths, we become proud and self-reliant, we trust our own powers with little need for God. We must avoid this trap realizing that all our strengths are God’s gifts to us, and we must dedicate those strengths to His service. 

If the Devil tried tempting Jesus knowing full well that He was the Son of God, imagine what we face every day, we know the Jesus is the Way, let Him lead the Way and us follow His example laid right there for all of humanity to see.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Thursday, July 16, 2015


Mark 11:23-24 (NLT)

“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. “

What kind of prayer moves mountains, the kind of faith filled prayers that have first and foremost the fruitfulness of the Kingdom of God that is the kind of prayers that are strong enough to move mountains. Jesus used the illustration of moving a mountain to the sea to show us that nothing is impossible for God. He will answer our prayers, yes He will but not as a result of our positive mental attitude, no, no, no!

In order to move those mountains we must meet certain other conditions such as;

1. First and foremost be believers, believe that Jesus is our Savior, and that our sins are forgiven by the blood He shed on the cross for us.

2. We must forgive those that have hurt us, do not hold a grudge against anyone as we are taught on Mark 11:25-26

3. Not pray for selfish motives, always putting His will ahead of ours.

4. Pray for the good of His Kingdom.

For us to pray effectively we must have faith in God not the object of our prayers. Should we focus on the object of our prayed for request we would be left with nothing, for our prayer will be for not.

Our examples for prayers come to us from none other than those that Jesus offered up to the Father, always remember His prayer that night in Gethsemane in Mark 14:36 “Everything is possible for you…Yet I want your will not mine.” We often motivate our prayers in our desires and interests, wanting to hear that we can have anything in this instant gratification society we live in. Jesus prayed with God’s interests in mind, like Him we should pray for our desires, yes, but always and foremost keeping in mind and in our prayers His will above ours.

Let’s check ourselves and see if our desires are placed above His will.

Based on the upcoming devotional book “Living in Faith” to be released August 1, 2015.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Carmen and I have published our first two books on Amazon

They are the illustrated short story "Impress Yourself, First" an illustrated story of a writer
who is having difficulties putting out stories. The writers loyal friend "Duck" comes into the picture just to let her know that she must first impress herself before she could impress therefore help anyone else. It is now available at 

And my first devotional writing of Sex, Is it a god? Is it gross? It is a God Given Gift! A Devotional Bible Study based on the Bible's teachings on marriage, sex and the oneness God intended for us. It is now available at

Our thanks go out to evernyone who has been supportive of our efforts and there will be many more to come.

David Barberis and Carmen Ramos
Rayed Redemption Ministry

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) 

Sometimes we find it hard to follow God or to trust Him as we go through our so many trials in this life. He has placed a call on us, such as Jesus did to those Apostles, to leave their nets and follow Him. Like them we loyally follow but then the questions arise, Father where will the money come from? How can I pay the mortgage? Nothing seems to be working with the ministry, no one supports it or we just cannot satisfy anyone. How easy we can become discouraged and start to worry about the mundane.

Really! What does He tell us in Isaiah 41:10 “I am with you.” What a statement, no matter what we do, what we think, or even how much we worry, He is with us! It matters not what we are going through He is by our side, if we cannot pay the rent He is right there, if the world is out against us, He is right there. Whether we are being criticized, or our leadership is being questioned we need not be discouraged, He is with us. He made us a promise all we have to do is trust and have faith.

The best part about all of our trials and tribulations is that we do not have to go through them alone, He provides us with all the strength when we feel like we cannot take one more step. As for me He is here all along holding me up through all of my troubles so that I can see all of the fruits of the ministry demonstrated in every single victory that we have doing His service, I trust Him in all I do. Faithfully trust Him.

When others see us doubting when we struggle we are discouraging those that surround us, let us run to Him, He will help us through our times of doubt. He will give us all the strength that we need to accomplish His purpose for us, don’t be afraid, do not be discouraged even when the future seems the haziest, that is when His greatness comes through if we faithfully trust Him and put all of our care on Him.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


  After going through today's devotional with my wife in which we talked about mercy, the thought of this blog entry from September 2016...