Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chain Letters or Emails Are They Godly?

Chain Letters or Emails

Are They Godly?

In today’s world of technology it is inevitable that one will receive either a chain letter or email, sometimes these could even come from those that profess to be members of the clergy. These documents will advise us to do something like forwarding them on to avoid something bad happening, or in order to receive some blessings. This is but another form of mind control taking advantage of individual’s weaknesses and or knowing that individuals may be in need of attention. Whatever the case is Christians need to be prepared to deal with these documents.

Consider the following points as you deal with this issues but first remember what Jesus Himself tells us by just reading Luke 10:19 “Look, I have given you authority over all the
power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you,” or Mark 16:18 “They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them…” (NLT)

First Point is the assurance that good fortune will result in following the direction or bad things will come your way should you not do as instructed.

While if you follow directions some good things might happen, do you really think it is because of the chain letter or would they have happened anyhow, at the same time if you do not follow the instructions and something bad happens is it because of your not following those instructions. Are we supposed to follow the advice of man or should we put our needs in prayer as we have been taught by Jesus Himself when He tells us to go directly to the Father and ask in His Name John 16:24 “…Ask, using my name and you will receive, and you will have abundantly.” (NLT)

Second Point is that when we think that something bad will happen if we do not follow the directions we are the telling God that we have very little faith, that we do not trust Him, we definitely do not understand the difference between truth and lies, that we are allowing Satan to control us through fear instead of relying on Him.

As our faith grows we should put more and more of our trust in Him, Jesus tells us in John 3:18 “There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him. But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God.” How could those who profess to be members of the clergy then persuade those in their flocks to pursue the advice on a chain letter or email?

Know this Third Point, The Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit do not place threats upon you, or curse you, no but Satan and his legion of demons does. Curses, threats, strongholds, or bondings are all satanic. These are all forms of IDOLATRY.

Jesus tells us in Mark 7:8-9 “For you ignore God’s specific laws and substitute your own traditions…You reject God’s laws in order to hold on to your traditions.” (NLT)

The Pharisees claimed to know God’s will in every detail of life and unfortunately today there are religious leaders who add rules and regulations to God’s Word leading their flocks by confusing them. Yes it is idolatry to claim that one’s interpretation of God’s Word is as important as His Word itself. It is ever so dangerous to set up believers to follow unbiblical standards, instead look to Christ for guidance about your behavior and let Him lead other in how they deal with the details of their lives.

Satan is the father of lies, he shows it every time he opens his mouth, do not participate and believe in the curses that could supposedly be placed upon you by not letting him
manipulate your thought process, you are not a puppet, you are a child of God, in John 8:44 Jesus told the leaders of His time “For you are children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the truth. There is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Lastly, what should you do when you receive either a chain letter or email?

By the authority given you by Jesus Christ, renounce it, rebuke it, and confess loudly the authority given you by the Lord Jesus Christ that you refuse to allow Satan to manipulate you.

Put all of your trust in Jesus Christ when he told us that we were given the power to walk among serpents and scorpions, and that nothing of the world will hurt us.

As a Christian you have this authority given us by Jesus, if you are reading to this message and you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ I invite you to call me at 469-528-0255 or email me directly at dbarberis@rayedredemption.org or visit us at http://www.rayedredemption.org/god-s-blessing.html to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. The only way to save your eternal soul is by being saved by Jesus Christ.

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