Genesis 2:24 (KJV)
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
When Adam woke up and saw that God had made woman to be his companion (Genesis 2:20-22 KJV) he said; “This is now bones and flesh of my flesh…” (Genesis 2:24 KJV), explaining the reason why a man leaves his father and mother to become one flesh in marriage.
God’s creative work culminated with the creation of Eve (the woman). Just like He did with Adam God could have created her from dust, however He chose to create her from Adam’s flesh and bone thus illustrating that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. The union in marriage ties together the couples hearts and lives, just like we become one with the union of our spirit with the Holy Spirit.
Marriage is not a union of convenience as we see so often today. God gave us the gift of marriage, first through Adam and Eve with 3 principles He instituted it:
1. Leaving our father and mother, promising ourselves to our husband or wife
2. Husband and wife are joined together responsible for one another and to love one another, always.
3. Through loving intimacy become one flesh through the sexual union that is reserved for marriage.
There are many Bible references to the marriage institution, take very seriously the commitment that binds a marriage together as one as you are more than friends and lovers you are one!
Treat marriage as a union that has been ordained by God, praying always to help you in the path of love, honor, respect that only two people who are committed to God can demonstrate for you are truly one in marriage.
Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039
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