Thursday, November 3, 2016



The Bible tells us that God’s angels are also spirit beings. They are ministering spirits.

Throughout history God’s angels have appeared to people many times. The Bible is full of these kinds of stories from the Virgin Mary, to Daniel, to the apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

However, the Bible also warns us that Satan and his demons can appear to us as angels of light. Thus, you will need proper discernment from the Holy Spirit if an angel were to ever appear to you.

The false religions of Islam and Mormonism, as well some cults that hide themselves in Christianity are perfect examples of demons appearing as angels of light to the people who started these false religions, sects or cults.

If those people would have known how to properly test a spirit appearing to them, those demon angels could have easily been stopped dead in their tracks and those false visions and beliefs could have easily been prevented from ever having started up.

When an angel suddenly has appeared to me, the first thing I do to do is properly test it out. 1 John tells us exactly how to do this. Here is the verse:

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.

And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:1-4)

What this means is that you directly ask the angel to identify who his Lord and Master is. And that angel better say that it is Jesus Christ. Then I ask him or her to confess that Jesus Christ came to earth in the flesh.

If that angel cannot make this direct confession to me that Jesus Christ has already come to our earth in the flesh, then I would know that I am dealing with a real, live, demonic spirit masquerading as an angel of light.

At this point, I command the demon to now leave me in the name of Jesus Christ.

In addition to the above test, we all can receive a strong discerning of spirits direct from the Holy Spirit. Immediately sensing that something is not right with this angel, picking up with a strong inner knowing that this is not an angel from God.

How did I know that this an angel came from God, because I feel a sense of peace and comfort coming in from the Holy Spirit, as He should be bearing witness that this is one of God’s angels.

Our Father loves us endlessly and He showers us with blessings sometimes material, sometimes spiritual, sometimes in the form of a light and some times in the form of a beautiful human being, well I have met that Angel, and that Angel is right here on this earth right now.

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