Proverbs 31: She is not Perfect, only Jesus was PEFECT!
The Words of King Lemuel’s Mother
Proverbs 31:1 (NKJV) “The words
of King Lemuel, the utterance which his mother taught him:”
You know when really looking closely at Proverbs 31 after being taught
that the woman that King Lemuel’s mother spoke of is really an example for you
to follow as you pursue being a woman after God’s heart, so that you can be an
encouragement to other women who aim to have a closer relationship with Jesus,
no to put pressure on you to be perfect for only one was “perfect” on this
earth, Jesus.
In today’s world, many of you are fearful of becoming that “Virtuous
Wife” (Proverbs 31:10) for fear that you will not be able to succeed, having
your weaknesses show through thus God not seeing you as the perfect woman –
stop you will never be perfect – none of us ever will be, therefore concentrate
on being a woman after God’s heart so you testify by your being rather than who
you want to be.
So you can give birth, you can clean, you can carry the home that is
all fine, however it is not because you are a great wife and mother, that is
your responsibility, no, it is your fear of God that will make you that “Virtuous
Wife”, your perceived perfection does not come to life from all your good
deeds, no your perfection is the result of your belonging to the One God who
gives you your breath, your soul, and who lives within you, thus the only
perfection is within you and that is The Spirit of Him who lives in you.
Do not for one moment believe that your husband, family or good looks
are your hope in your endeavor towards meeting the expectations of the “Virtuous
Wife” no that hope is only possible through God.
That “Virtuous Wife” (Woman) is not perfect because of her deeds, no, King
Lemuel’s Mother was telling him that she would be the perfect wife, not that
she is THE perfect woman, she would be the perfect wife because of her relationship
with Jesus! You then would fulfill your
role and be a testimony to every woman around you who wants to please God,
first by being an example to any woman single or married for just like you and
us all the same she goes through trials in her life needing His grace and
So, in reality we see that the woman described in Proverbs 31 is but a
guide for us God fearing men to base ourselves on when looking for the ideal
wife, and to both us men and you women not to be pressured into being perfect,
for once again may I remind you that only One was PERFECT.
Put God first and focus on your relationship with Him whether you are
single or married all He is asking for is for you to be devoted to Him, that He
be your first love, it was His blood that was shed for yours and my sins, and
that is worth more than all the rubies referred to on Proverbs 31:10, you my
dear sisters not one of you needs be perfect to please Him, all you need is the
desire to please God and act upon it.
Pastor David J. Barberis
Rayed Redemption Ministry
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