Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hebrews 4:16 (KJV)

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Question: Do We Need Intercessory Prayers?

Answer: Nowhere in the Bible are we instructed as believer in Christ to pray to anyone other than God, nowhere is it mentioned or are we encouraged as believers to ask anyone in heaven for their prayers. To ask for anyone other than Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit to intercede for us is blatantly unbiblical. Hebrew 4:16 tells us that we as believers here on earth can “approach the throne of grace with confidence.”

First Timothy 2:5 very clearly states, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." There is no one else that can mediate with God for us. Since the Bible tells that Jesus is the ONLY mediator, then none other mediate our prayer requests to God. Further, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ Himself is interceding for us before the Father: "Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them" (Hebrews 7:25). With Jesus Himself interceding for us, why would we need anyone else to intercede for us? Will god listen to someone else more closely than to His Son? We are told in Romans 8:26 that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. So if the 2nd and 3rd members of the Holy Trinity are already interceding for us before the Father in heaven, what could possible lead us to believe that we need to have any other entity interceding for us?

Some say that Paul asked the Ephesians to pray for him and that is correct, however if we examine that claim. First the Apostle Paul does asks other Christians to pray for him in Ephesians 6:19. And many Scriptures describe believers praying for one another (2 Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 1:16; Philippians 1:19; 2 Timothy 1:3). However nowhere does the Bible mention anyone asking for someone in heaven to pray for him. Second we are absolutely not given any indications in the Bible that anyone else in heaven can hear our prayers. There is none other than God who is omniscient. Even while some are glorified in heaven, they are still finite beings with limitations. How could they possibly hear the prayers of millions of people? Bible references to praying to or speaking with the dead, are in the context of sorcery, witchcraft, necromancy, and divination, all activities that are strongly condemned in the Bible (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). There is one instance when a "saint" is spoken to, Samuel in 1 Samuel 28:7-19, Samuel is not exactly happy to be disturbed. Therefore it is clear that praying to anyone other than God in heaven is completely different from asking someone here on earth to pray for us.

God answers prayers if they are asked according to His will per 1 John 5:14-15 He does not answer prayers based on who is praying. There is absolutely no basis or need to pray to anyone other than God alone. There is no basis for asking those who are in heaven to pray for us. Only God hears our prayers. Only God answers our prayers. No one in heaven has any greater access to God's throne than we do through prayer (Hebrews 4:16).

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, September 11, 2015


John 7:3-4, NKJV

“His brothers therefore said to Him, Depart from here and go into Judea, that Your disciples also may see the works that You are doing. For no one does anything in secret while he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these things show Yourself to the world.”

At first Jesus’ family had a hard time believing in him, even though some of his brothers like James would eventually become leaders of the church. At one point they were even embarrassed by him. They knew He could perform miracles though and as such they tried to pressure Him into going to the Feast of the Tabernacle and put on a performance by wowing some into rebelling against the Romans. Jesus could have followed their advice, put on a performance and possibly even launch a political career, what better place than “The Feast.”

Jesus though was not a crowd pleaser or a performer, He knew what his mission on earth was, and that was to redeem people of their sins, not to put on performances, pleasing his family, or winning fans. Again He knew his purpose and He kept that purpose in mind. Jesus was not persuaded to turn away, not even for that one day of what would have been certain earthly glory and fame.

As leaders of the church we should follow Jesus’ example and not follow others agendas, we need to stand firm and keep our goals in focus our missions dealing with integrity knowing that we cannot allow ourselves to be persuaded to cave in to others people pleasing, glory grabbing decisions. Pursuing our goals and doing our service while leading with integrity may not be the easiest or most popular path, however it normally proves itself as the wiser path to follow.

Whatever our call or ministry is, whether mopping up in the background, or delivering the grandest of sermons, we are leaders and counselors, we are a reflection of our Lord and Savior to others, specially non-believers who take a cue from our actions therefor we should lead with wisdom and integrity without fanfare or self-aggrandizing, keeping our service and goals in mind, to share the Word, plant the seed and let them know that they could be redeemed of theirs sins.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Set The Church On Fire Message

Set the Church on Fire

"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Matthew 3:11 New King James Version (NKJV)

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Very Powerful Testimony from 11 year old Misael.

Last Sunday just before service started, this young man came up to Carmen and I and introduced himself, after very graciously going through his introduction, he asked us if we were interested in hearing his testimony.

The recording you can witness here is the result of his approaching us to tells us and my being so impressed by him as a young man and by his testimony that I asked him if he would be interested in sharing it with those that I minister to.

After meeting his parent to get permission, Carmen recorded him both in English and in Spanish, yet the surprises were not done.

Once we were done recording him, he asked if now he could get permission to do something, to pray for Carmen and I and for our ministry which he did in a way that made tears roll down my face.

The Lord is using this young man like He does all of us in such magnificent ways.

I am so thankful to our Father that He brought Misael into our lives. Join me in praying for him that the Lord continues to use him and that his own ministry grows and edifies those that he comes in contact with just like he touched us.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Acts 9:10, (NKJV)

“Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, ‘Ananias.’ And he said, ‘Here I am Lord.”

We know the story, the Lord speaks to Ananias advising him of Saul, yes that Saul who used to persecute Christians, Ananias even thought of his own imprisonment should Saul have his way. Imagine what Ananias would have thought, not Saul that is impossible, he could never become a Christian, everyone knew that Saul was bad news for Christians, his reputation preceded him.

Here the Lord was asking Ananias to go and meet the man who held the warrant for his arrest, Ananias could have just ran the other way, yet Ananias chose to obey God regardless of what negative possibilities might exist.

Every Christian was at the mercy of Saul until God stepped in. All of a sudden Saul felt blind and at the mercy of the same Christians, perhaps it was payback time, you know what goes around comes around. Not here God in all His might was turning everything upside down!

Imagine how Saul must have felt, the first experience he had was a total stranger calling him brother before placing his hands on and praying that his sight be healed. Think Ananias may have had second thoughts? What a lasting impression Ananias left on Saul that when he later became Paul and was telling a crowd of his conversion the only person he named by name was Ananias.

Even though Ananias role in Saul’s conversion was so small, think of the significance of this event. Ananias probably did not realize the importance of his participation. Just like Ananias we usually cannot imagine what God accomplishes through our small efforts. We are not asked to understand His entire plan. All we are asked is to be faithful as we do our part. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to do your part today, what impossible mission do you feel or sense that God will place in front of you today? Be obedient, have no fear, for with Him nothing is impossible.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, August 14, 2015

Stop Praying and Start Moving!

Read Exodus 14:15-31

“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” Exodus 14:15 KJV

We pray, we pray, and we continuously pray, but just like the Lord told Moses to stop praying and get moving there comes a time when we have to stop praying and start moving for you see our actions really show that we live by faith. Blessings, our call they have been placed right in front of us, and we know what we need to do, but instead we go right back to praying for more guidance and we end up sabotaging ourselves. Why don’t we just get moving?

Just as the Lord opened up a path for the Israelites when they saw no apparent way of escaping, He opens up the way for us when we get caught up and think there is no way out. There is no need to panic, God will open up the path for us, and He always does. He is the same God who created the heavens and the earth, the One who performed that mighty miracle at precisely the right time for the Israelites demonstrating His great power and love. He is still doing it for us each and every day.

If you are constantly praying to Him for guidance why not like Moses take that first step, the step of faith. He will get you there, I know, and when I got there I echoed what Asaph said in Psalm 77:19 “Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and Your footsteps were not known.” Thank You Father for showing me the way.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Jonah 2:6 (NKJV) Salvation is there waiting for us!

Time and again like Jonah we have to experience death before we can know the freedom of life. Spiritually it is like we have to give up before we can be raised up, it is like falling into the pit of life, the pit of that whale’s stomach. Just at that time when we realize that there is nothing else we can do, that is when God intervenes and saves us. Remember when Jonah gave up all hope, God intervened and saved him. Before he could live and enjoy the freedom of life Jonah like you and I have to do died to his own desires.

Like a sheep that is so intent and focused on eating that she does not realize she is falling over a precipice we lose focus as did Jonah. Sometimes we need to experience that little bit of death before we can enjoy the abundant life that we have in Him. The moment we think it is all over, that we give up trying the Lord is right there to pick us up realizing that we can’t liberate ourselves and realize that He is there to hold us.

At that moment when we feel that we are at the end of the rope, God does something miraculous. He offers us the gift of grace and mercy. Just like salvation came to Jonah, salvation is there for us, He is waiting to rescue us.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Formation of Rayed Redemption Ministry Light of Life Mission and Principal-Designate Announcement

August 5, 2015 – Euless, Texas

Rayed Redemption Ministry’s Founder Pastor David J. Barberis has announced the appointment of Akrura Naik as Director for Formation of Mission for the Ministry in Tainsi 
Village Angul, Odisha, India. Mr. Akrura will also be the Principal-Designate for our church planting efforts.

Mr. Akrura Naik formerly worked at Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry as a Child Development Evangelist.​ He is a row a theologian, evangelist, teacher,& social activist. Akrura always likes to be understanding, caring, loving, amiable, flexible, tolerant & patient.

Akrura lives with his wife Lalita and two sons Adhiraj and Anshuman in Tainsi Village his email address is anaik@rayedredemption.org

About Life of Light Mission: Rayed Redemption Ministry’s Light of Life Mission will respond to the needs of the people in India, and will serve people through local outreach, medical care, disaster relief, training and discipleship.

Most of the over 400 million people in India live on less than $1 per day. And almost half of the children suffer from malnourishment – the highest rate in the world. Daily over 5000 children under the age of five years old die from preventable diseases. While progress is visible in parts of India much of the country still suffers extreme poverty, malnutrition, disease and illiteracy.

The Mission will focus on the following Ministries;


The number of homeless and hungry children in India reaches into the millions. Children’s Ministries will be a vital part of Rayed Redemption Light of Life Mission’s outreach program. The children’s ministry will help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, bring hope to the hopeless and free those that are in bondage. Above all, we will be educating the children about the glory and love of God.

The children’s ministry will provide assistance to orphans and at risk children through our sponsor program which we have a goal of caring for more than 5,000 children in need. Moneys received for the children’s ministry will be sent directly to India for these children to receive food, shelter and an education. A recurring gift of $35 per month will supports a child. In addition to child sponsorships, one-time contributions provide children with useful gifts such as personal care items, immunizations, clothing and mosquito nets. Mr. Akrura Naik will also ministers to 150 children through a weekly food distribution program where we will distribute rice, lentils and vitamins to each child and teach them Bible stories, to demonstrate how God’s love will help change and structure, as well reach out to the parents and attempt to soften their hearts.

The goal of the children’s ministries is to provide effective Christian mentoring and Biblical teachings in their lives for the next generation. Your gifts and prayers for the children cared for by Light of Life Mission will be magnified as they learn about Christ and share His gospel with their families and communities.


While the Children’s Ministry is a vital part of our program, we will also focus on church planting and sharing the Gospel with the unreached people in India, where more than 80% of the people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We will establish a team of dedicated church planters who will be starting new ministries and reaching out to this group of people in the unreached regions of India sharing the Gospel and helping provide for the needs of people in the villages that they will be serving. The church planters will also help identify at risk children who can be rescued and or sponsored through the Children’s Ministry. They will also involve themselves and help with the Prison Ministry, preaching and corresponding with those that have a need to learn about Jesus Christ as well teach and minister to prisoners family members.

You will be able to help support and grow this ministry by supporting a church planter with a gift of $200 a month.


Training effective leaders and counselors is vital to the continued outreach of any ministry. In ministry Leaders and Counselors are a necessity to teach and shepherd as well beginning ministries in new areas.

Rayed Redemption Ministry has a counseling and leadership training program which all Leaders are required to participate in. New Christian Leaders will be trained through this program in order to properly go out and spread the name of Jesus to un-reached areas.

For more information please contact us with any questions 

at 469-528-0255 or rayedredemption@gmail.com

Monday, August 3, 2015

Rayed Redemption Ministry's view of "Biblical Counseling"

Rayed Redemption Ministry's view of "Biblical Counseling"

A Biblical Counselor's understanding of God and Man must be derived from the Scriptures. They must base their counseling upon the inspiration, infallibility, inerrancy, and absolute sufficiency of the Word of God. One is not a Biblical Counselor if they say that the Bible is sufficient for salvation, but that we need psychological solutions for sanctification. True Biblical Counseling is based upon nothing but the "Word of God". However there are many skills and much procedural knowledge to be gained from other sources. While we can learn from general observation of human behavior and the physical world, we must never elevate this knowledge to be equal with Scripture.

A Biblical Counselor must have a high view of the sovereignty and power of God. Psychotherapy thrives in Christian Counseling because Christians have allowed a weak view of God to infiltrate the Church. Jesus addressed this very problem in Matthew 22:29, when he said, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God." To suggest that God can get us to heaven, but in the meantime, He is powerless to transform our lives and heal our minds is faulty thinking.

Rayed Redemption Ministry believes that mankind's emotional and relational problems all started in the "Garden of Eden". Please read chapter three of Genesis about Adam and Eve's fear, guilt, hiding, covering-up, blaming others, etc. All of these were a result of their sin.

It is Rayed Redemption Ministry's belief that genuine Biblical Counseling is based on solid Biblical study. A sound systematic theology and Biblical method of interpretation is essential for the genuine Biblical counselor. There is no substitute for the counselor having an in-depth knowledge of the Scriptures and how to apply them to the problems of daily living. Biblical Counseling is focused on truth. Jesus prayed for us when he prayed "Sanctify them by thy Word, thy Word is Truth" (John 17:17).

As Biblical counselors we must arrive at a true understanding of God and how He works in our lives. We also need to know the truth about the person we are counseling in order to help him acknowledge and respond to the truth. Rayed Redemption Ministry focuses on Bible instruction and relies on other ministries for much of the knowledge on human relational skills and counseling techniques. Many of our following Counseling lessons will refer to outside resources.
Rayed Redemption Ministry believes that Biblical Counseling is dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit. Biblical counselors must realize that they cannot read the hearts of those they counsel. Only God is able to understand the deepest thoughts, motives, confusions and sins of the counselee. A Biblical counselor does not rely upon his own "expertise", but rather, he relies upon the truths of the Scripture as the Holy Spirit convicts with power (Jn. 16:8, Acts 2:37).

Biblical Counseling should lead toward repentance and restoration. To relieve guilt without dealing with the issues of the rebellious heart is a disservice to a fellow believer. Paul writes to the church at Corinth: "Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it. I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while-yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." (2Cor.7:8-10).

Our goal for training Biblical Counselors is that they will become Spiritual mature. And the goal of our Biblical Counseling is to encourage the person we counsel to seek spiritual maturity. Paul writes in Ephesians 4 that our goal should be "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (vv.12-13).

Rayed Redemption Ministry's Certificate Program does not lead to a legal license or certification. You will receive a certificate of completion which will support your counseling, there is no legal licensing or certification requirement for Biblical or Pastoral Counseling.  We believe that Biblical Counseling should be church-based, and is practiced under the authority of and accountable to a local body of believers and the pastor and elders. There is no requirement for a license or certification when provided under a church's authority.

This is the first of twelve lessons on Biblical counseling which supplements our foundational Biblical instruction. We desire feedback on every lesson therefore please send your comments and a brief description of your goals and desires for this study. Keep a copy for yourself and at the end of the study let us both compare these with the results.

If taking the course for credit please submit comments to: rayedredemption@gmail.com

Pastor David J. Barberis
Rayed Redemption Ministry

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Ephesians 3:8 (NKJV)

“To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,”

Paul described himself as “the least of the saints” meaning that in his mind he was the lest deserving Christian there was, he meant that without God’s help he would never have been able to do God’s work. God chose him for His Ministry, He chose him to share the Good News with the Gentiles and gave him the power to do it, just like He has done with you and me. Don’t feel like you have a minor role in the ministry, in our minds we may be thinking that we are not worthy, let’s not forget what a difference God makes. Draw on God’s power, just do your part, and faithfully perform that special role that God has given you to play in His plan.

God is calling, consider that call. God is calling you to the ministry, the call could be as a pastor or a servant of the Church, but we are all called upon to proclaim the Word, and to share the Gospel.

God still calls us . . . Are you ready for the call? 

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Efesios 3:8 (RVR1960)

“A mí, que soy menos que el más pequeño de todos los santos, me fue dada esta gracia de anunciar entre los gentiles el evangelio de las inescrutables riquezas de Cristo,”

Pablo se describió a sí mismo como "el menor de los santos" lo que significa que en su mente era el Cristiano mas despreciado que había, lo que quería decir era que sin la ayuda de Dios nunca habría sido capaz de hacer la obra de Dios. Dios lo escogió para su ministerio, él lo eligió para compartir las Buenas Nuevas con los gentiles y le dio el poder para hacerlo, al igual que ha hecho con nosotros. No te sientas como si tuvieras un papel de menor importancia en el ministerio, en nuestra mente podemos estar pensando que no somos dignos, no nos olvidemos de que Dios hace una diferencia en nosotros. Recuestate en el poder de Dios, solo has tu parte, y fielmente desempeña ese papel especial que Dios te ha dado como parte de su plan.

Dios lo está llamando, considere esa llamada. Dios te está llamando al ministerio, ese llamado podría ser como un pastor o un servidor de la Iglesia, pero todos somos llamados a proclamar la Palabra de Dios, y para compartir el Evangelio.

Dios todavía nos llama. . . ¿Estás listo para la llamada?

Ministerio Rayed Redemption
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, July 24, 2015


Luke 4:3 (NKJV)

Satan so tried to manipulate Jesus in the wilderness, just like he manipulates so many of us today, Jesus demonstrates to us that we must hold firm to our beliefs, our faith, and our knowledge that we can without a doubt confront temptation by our God given strength. In this verse we could see the three manners in which Satan attacked Jesus;

1. Doubt: “If you are the Son of God,” note that Satan tries to tempt us to doubt whether Jesus is the Son of God just like he did to Jesus. He plants the seed knowing that if we begin to have doubts about Jesus being God it becomes easier for him to get us to do what he wants. During these questioning times we can sort out our beliefs, strength and faith, then again these could be very dangerous times. If you are dealing with doubt be aware that you are vulnerable to temptation. As you search for answers always protect yourself, meditating on the unshakable truths of God’s Word.

2. Temptation: “change this stone into a loaf of bread,” Satan knew that Jesus could turn that stone into bread, and so did Jesus. Jesus being tempted to turn the stone into bread was not wrong in itself, turning that stone into bread would not have been necessarily bad. The sin would not have been the act of turning the stone into bread, no the sin would have been the motive behind it. Satan was trying to get Jesus to take a short cut so He could solve the immediate problem of being weak from fasting those 40 days at the expense of His long-range goals by seeking comfort at the expense of his discipline. That’s the way Satan works persuading us to take action, even if it is the right action, for the wrong reason or at the wrong time. Just because something is not wrong in itself does not mean that it is good at a given time. Many of us try to fulfill legitimate desires outside of God’s will or ahead of his timetable. Why not first ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into our decisions? Or should we let Satan get us off track?

3. Strength: Many times the Devil will tempt us through our strengths rather than through our weaknesses. He tried to tempt Jesus at one of his strengths, the power to turn stones into bread, the power over the kingdoms of the world, and angles. Satan wanted Jesus to use that power without regard for his mission. When we give him into the devil and wrongly use our strengths, we become proud and self-reliant, we trust our own powers with little need for God. We must avoid this trap realizing that all our strengths are God’s gifts to us, and we must dedicate those strengths to His service. 

If the Devil tried tempting Jesus knowing full well that He was the Son of God, imagine what we face every day, we know the Jesus is the Way, let Him lead the Way and us follow His example laid right there for all of humanity to see.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Thursday, July 16, 2015


Mark 11:23-24 (NLT)

“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. “

What kind of prayer moves mountains, the kind of faith filled prayers that have first and foremost the fruitfulness of the Kingdom of God that is the kind of prayers that are strong enough to move mountains. Jesus used the illustration of moving a mountain to the sea to show us that nothing is impossible for God. He will answer our prayers, yes He will but not as a result of our positive mental attitude, no, no, no!

In order to move those mountains we must meet certain other conditions such as;

1. First and foremost be believers, believe that Jesus is our Savior, and that our sins are forgiven by the blood He shed on the cross for us.

2. We must forgive those that have hurt us, do not hold a grudge against anyone as we are taught on Mark 11:25-26

3. Not pray for selfish motives, always putting His will ahead of ours.

4. Pray for the good of His Kingdom.

For us to pray effectively we must have faith in God not the object of our prayers. Should we focus on the object of our prayed for request we would be left with nothing, for our prayer will be for not.

Our examples for prayers come to us from none other than those that Jesus offered up to the Father, always remember His prayer that night in Gethsemane in Mark 14:36 “Everything is possible for you…Yet I want your will not mine.” We often motivate our prayers in our desires and interests, wanting to hear that we can have anything in this instant gratification society we live in. Jesus prayed with God’s interests in mind, like Him we should pray for our desires, yes, but always and foremost keeping in mind and in our prayers His will above ours.

Let’s check ourselves and see if our desires are placed above His will.

Based on the upcoming devotional book “Living in Faith” to be released August 1, 2015.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Carmen and I have published our first two books on Amazon

They are the illustrated short story "Impress Yourself, First" an illustrated story of a writer
who is having difficulties putting out stories. The writers loyal friend "Duck" comes into the picture just to let her know that she must first impress herself before she could impress therefore help anyone else. It is now available at http://www.amazon.com/Impress-Yourself-First-Carmen-Ramos-ebook/dp/B01180XYQW/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 

And my first devotional writing of Sex, Is it a god? Is it gross? It is a God Given Gift! A Devotional Bible Study based on the Bible's teachings on marriage, sex and the oneness God intended for us. It is now available at http://www.amazon.com/SEX-GOD-GROSS-GIFT-ebook/dp/B0119YEHYU/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Our thanks go out to evernyone who has been supportive of our efforts and there will be many more to come.

David Barberis and Carmen Ramos
Rayed Redemption Ministry

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) 

Sometimes we find it hard to follow God or to trust Him as we go through our so many trials in this life. He has placed a call on us, such as Jesus did to those Apostles, to leave their nets and follow Him. Like them we loyally follow but then the questions arise, Father where will the money come from? How can I pay the mortgage? Nothing seems to be working with the ministry, no one supports it or we just cannot satisfy anyone. How easy we can become discouraged and start to worry about the mundane.

Really! What does He tell us in Isaiah 41:10 “I am with you.” What a statement, no matter what we do, what we think, or even how much we worry, He is with us! It matters not what we are going through He is by our side, if we cannot pay the rent He is right there, if the world is out against us, He is right there. Whether we are being criticized, or our leadership is being questioned we need not be discouraged, He is with us. He made us a promise all we have to do is trust and have faith.

The best part about all of our trials and tribulations is that we do not have to go through them alone, He provides us with all the strength when we feel like we cannot take one more step. As for me He is here all along holding me up through all of my troubles so that I can see all of the fruits of the ministry demonstrated in every single victory that we have doing His service, I trust Him in all I do. Faithfully trust Him.

When others see us doubting when we struggle we are discouraging those that surround us, let us run to Him, He will help us through our times of doubt. He will give us all the strength that we need to accomplish His purpose for us, don’t be afraid, do not be discouraged even when the future seems the haziest, that is when His greatness comes through if we faithfully trust Him and put all of our care on Him.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


June 9, 2015

Genesis 3:4 (KJV)

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die”

Already Satan had a plan, and what better way to implement it than to lie to Eve thus creating doubt in her mind telling her that God knew that her eyes would be opened to wisdom.

Once Satan convinced Eve that she would know good and evil when he implied that God was selfish, and strict in not allowing for her to share in His knowledge. Satan convinced Eve to forget all the good that God had given to her and instead to focus on what was forbidden.

Once Eve was convinced and saw that the forbidden tree was beautiful and the fruit so delicious she gave some of it to Adam who also ate it, putting Satan’s plan for humanity in motion, a five fold plan that includes;
  1. Doubt - To make you question God’s Word and His goodness
  2. Discouragement - To make you look at your problems rather that at God
  3. Diversion - To make the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things
  4. Defeat - To make you feel like a failure so that you don't even try
  5. Delay - To make you put off doing something so that it never gets done
Satan having once been a glorious angel was casted out of heaven because of his rebelliousness , disguised himself as a serpent and tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God’s goodness. Satan succeeded and since then he has been busy tempting people to sin. He even tried to tempt Jesus to sin (Matthew 4:1-11). Lucky for us Jesus did not sin! Satan tempts humanity to sin as his invitation to adapt to his kind of life and to give up on a godly life. Since Satan is a created being he has definite limitations and will not be the final victor, God will.

Eve could have resisted the temptation the same way we can, by realizing that being tempted is not a sin, we do not sin until we give in to temptation. To resist temptation we must pray for strength to resist it and run from temptation, sometimes literally like Joseph did, and say no when we know that we are being tempted by something that is wrong.

Like Eve we all fall into trouble when we dwell on what is troubling us or forbidden rather than on all the blessings that we enjoy and the promises Gad gives us know that he is always faithful. Think of all that you do have and thank God for it and your doubts and troubles will not lead you into sin.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Monday, June 8, 2015


June 8, 2015

Genesis 2:24 (KJV)

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

When Adam woke up and saw that God had made woman to be his companion (Genesis 2:20-22 KJV) he said; “This is now bones and flesh of my flesh…” (Genesis 2:24 KJV), explaining the reason why a man leaves his father and mother to become one flesh in marriage.

God’s creative work culminated with the creation of Eve (the woman). Just like He did with Adam God could have created her from dust, however He chose to create her from Adam’s flesh and bone thus illustrating that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. The union in marriage ties together the couples hearts and lives, just like we become one with the union of our spirit with the Holy Spirit.

Marriage is not a union of convenience as we see so often today. God gave us the gift of marriage, first through Adam and Eve with 3 principles He instituted it:

1. Leaving our father and mother, promising ourselves to our husband or wife

2. Husband and wife are joined together responsible for one another and to love one another, always.

3. Through loving intimacy become one flesh through the sexual union that is reserved for marriage.

There are many Bible references to the marriage institution, take very seriously the commitment that binds a marriage together as one as you are more than friends and lovers you are one!

Treat marriage as a union that has been ordained by God, praying always to help you in the path of love, honor, respect that only two people who are committed to God can demonstrate for you are truly one in marriage.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Genesis 2:16-17

“...You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.” (Genesis 2:16-17)

God placed Adam in a perfect environment, the Garden of Eden, and he gave Adam the responsibility to work the garden and to take care of it. His only rule: Adam could eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Rather than physically preventing him from eating, God gave Adam a choice and thus the possibility of choosing to disobey.

Why would God place a tree in the garden and then forbid Adam to eat from it? God wanted Adam to obey, but he also gave Adam the freedom to choose. Without choice, Adam would have been like a prisoner, and his obedience would have been hollow. The two trees provided an exercise in choice, with rewards for choosing to obey and sad consequences for choosing to disobey.

God still gives us choices, and we, too, often make the wrong choice. These choices may cause us pain, but they can help us learn and grow and make better choices in the future. Living with the consequences of our choices teaches us to think and choose more carefully.

Every day we face numerous choices, many with moral and ethical considerations: what to do with gossip we’ve heard; how to respond to an irritating customer or coworker; whether or not to face the facts and tell the truth; financial pressures; sexual temptation … Often we know that God wants us to go one way, but we desire to go another. When you are faced with a choice, place your desire before God, and ask him to help you choose well.

In each choice today, ask, “What does God want me to do?” If you know the answer, do it. If you don’t know the answer, ask him to show you … then do it. 

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, June 5, 2015


Ephesians 5:20 (KJV)

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

We are to go in prayer to God asking and believing that we receive, we should also go to Him in thankful prayers.

Sometimes it may seem too difficult to thank God, but let’s face it we know that in all things God works for our good if we love Him and are called by Him (Romans 8:28). We should not thank Him for our problems, but for the strength that He is building in us through the difficult experiences that we face. Thank Him for we know that His perfect love will see us through.

Our joyful thankful prayers should not waver according to our circumstances or our feelings. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 we are given three commands, to be joyful, to keep on praying, and to be thankful, sometimes going against our inclinations.

When we do God’s will, making a conscious decision to do as He says we find it easier to be joyful and thankful.

Yes, his are never ending blessings, be sure to thank Him.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Mark 11:24 (KJV)

“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

Some of us suffer personal losses, and face financial hardships; the Bible teaches us that when facing such circumstances we can rely on prayer to get us through the toughest times.

I have personally suffered both, and currently the ministry is going through a rough patch, but I am in no way doubting that God will get us through these times.

How sad it is when believers knowing full well that God does not abandon us get weary about their financial situation, to the point of even doubting their faith or God when Jesus himself told us “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24 KJV)

When facing financial hardship we should come to God single-mindedly asking Him if it is His will to provide a way for us to get out of that hardship, sticking to our supplication, decidedly asking even if it is for a specific amount for as long as you are not “double-minded” (James 1:8 KJV) and “ask in faith with no doubting” (James 1:6 KJV).

Agree with Matthew 18:19 and Mark 10:29-30, that which you prayed for is already yours, laying hold of it because we believe in our hearts; therefore we say it with our mouths, per 1 Timothy 6:19 and Mark 11:23, your one hundredfold is coming to you.

Bind the enemy and his forces in the Name of Jesus per Matthew 18:18 and 12:29, then loosen the forces of heaven asking the ministering spirits to cause your money to come to you as per Hebrews 1:14. Finally go back to the Scripture, to Mark 11:24 and drop to your knees praising God for you have already received if you faithfully believe.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


2 Peter 1:7 (NLT)

“and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.”

Sincere affection and love for our brothers involves selfless giving, a self-centered person can’t truly love. God’s love and forgiveness frees us to take our eyes of ourselves and to meet our brother’s needs. 

By sacrificing his life, Christ showed that he truly loves us. Now we can love each other by following his example and giving of ourselves sacrificially and affectionately.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Acts 14:22 (NLT)

“...They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Even though Paul and Barnabas knew that they faced dangers if they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch were they had been threatened and physically attacked; they did because they believed that they had a responsibility to encourage the believers in those cities. Like them we must support other believers who need help and encouragement regardless of how inconvenient or uncomfortable the task may be, how convenient or comfortable do you think it was for Jesus to go to the cross for us?

We all need to be encouraged, at one time or another, Barnabas originally named Joseph got the name Barnabas because he was such an encourager, Barnabas means “Son of Encouragement” and he was drawn to encourage those around him, however as he encouraged fellow Christians, non-Christians flocked to him and became believers.

So valuable were Barnabas’s actions that we could thank him for most of the New Testament. God used his relationship with Paul at one point to return to the cities were they had been threatened and beat, and then the same with John Mark when he encouraged him to go with him and Paul to Antioch.

First, it was Barnabas who met with Paul after his conversion when he arrived in Jerusalem and the Christians were so fearful of Paul, and then to convince them that Paul their former enemy was now a faithful believer in Jesus. Can you imagine what could have happened to Paul without Barnabas’s encouragement to him and to the other Christians?

Then he encouraged Mark to go with Paul and himself to Antioch, and when Paul did not want Mark to join them and went with Silas, Barnabas went a separate way with Mark and doubled up the missionary effort. Thanks to Barnabas’s patient and effective encouragement Mark went on to have such an effective ministry and later reunited with Paul in their missionary efforts.

Unlike Barnabas some of us criticize others because of their shortcomings instead of encouraging them, let’s instead build up that brother or sister, husband or wife, friend and definitely other Christians with encouragement, we must build their trust with encouragement. Take the time and accept the opportunity to encourage anyone that you come in contact with today just like Barnabas did.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Monday, June 1, 2015


John 16:11 (KJV)

“Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

Without Satan there would have been no need for redemption, we inherit the Kingdom of God and are redeemed only through Jesus’s victory over Satan. Without His victory there could have been no redemption.

Satan’s was defeated by Jesus through a three prong approach;

1. His walk on earth as a man

2. His crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice

3. Our becoming a new creation through redemption

As the new creation, we have been given the authority to master over Sasan, we have the right to wear “THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD” (Ephesians 6:10-17 KJV), having His nature dwelling within us.

Satan never figured he had to deal with God face to face, first through Jesus and now with us. For when he deals with us as the new creation he is dealing with His heirs filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 4:6-7 KJV).

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rayed Redemption Inmate Children’s Fund

Euless, Texas, May 30, 2015 - Rayed Redemption Prison Ministry of Texas and California introduces its Inmates Children’s Fund program to help vulnerable younger children from struggling homes get a better chance in life.

Rayed Redemption Inmate Children’s Fund

Rayed Redemption Ministry Senior Pastor David Barberis announced details of an expansion of the ministry, to help vulnerable children with incarcerated parent/s from struggling homes to get a better chance in life through their education.

“According to an August 19, 2013 article published by Alternet.org there were 2,266,800 inmates in Federal and State Prisons, and County Jails at the end of the year 2011per the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics,” “at the end of 2010 there were 2.7 million children in the U.S. who have a parent in prison or jail, 1 out of every 28 children under 18 in the U.S. has a parent incarcerated per Sociologists Bruce Western and Becky Petit in that same article.” Said Barberis

The program will focus on these children by providing them with school supplies and backpacks for the start of the 2015-2016 school year and as finances and supplies permit expand into providing clothing and shoes.

Bishop-Dr. Leerma Patterson-Lemons states that “children of the incarcerated have been neglected with a large percentage even ending in Foster Homes, further advancing the breakup of these children’s families.” She added “The final goal is to create a scholarship that will allow us to give school supplies, teach, mentor and follow these student through their educational journey.”

“At Rayed Redemption we understand that truancy, crime and anti-social behavior, could be the norm for some of these children, by providing for their needs research shows that when properly equipped these children will develop a positive attitude and self-worth, miss fewer school days, demonstrate improved classroom behavior, and achieve higher test scores.” Rayed Redemption Prison Ministry’s co-founder Carmen Ramos said.

Further Pastor Ervin Hill in California says that “while we reach out and help the inmates themselves and their families, it is imperative that we also focus on the children as they adjust to such traumatic experience, and we cannot stop at the prison gate, we must be involved and supportive at their most vulnerable times.”

“There are thousands of individuals and families living troubled lives blighted by crime, and truancy because of the household economy that they face, our current national economic situation and the unfortunate circumstances that face these children have them facing an uphill battle, our mission is to ensure that these children get to enjoy a learning experience on a level playing ground by equipping them with the supplies they need to learn. And a brand new attitude in life.” Said Barberis

Thanks to community support, Rayed Redemption Prison Ministry Children's Fund will provide outstanding program services to inmate’s children that are in need of school supplies and clothing, after school tutoring, and cultural/educational events throughout the year.

In order for us to provide services to these at risk children, we are asking for support of In-Kind Donations and Monetary Donations.

For further information or to make a donation visit
www.rayedredemption.org/childrens-fund.html or email at info@rayedredemption.org

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Friday, May 29, 2015


Romans 8:28 (NLT)

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Yes, God does work in “everything” for our good not some isolated incidents. As believer we are not left to our own resources to cope with problems, even when praying for when we do not even know the words to say when we pray the Holy Spirit prays with and for us.

Now this does not mean that only good things happen to us. Evil is prevalent in our fallen world however God is able to turn everything single circumstance around for our long-range good. God is not working to make us happy but to fulfill his purpose.

Also God's promise is not for everybody, it can only be claimed by those who love Him and are called by Him, meaning, those that have been convinced by the Holy Spirit to receive Jesus Christ. Those of us that receive Christ have a new perspective, and a new mind-set. We trust in God not some worldly treasures, our security is in heaven, not on earth. Our faith in God can never waver in pain and persecution because we know that God is with us, thus we become more like Christ at which point we become more than just overcomers.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039



Thursday, May 28, 2015


1 John 3:8-9 (NLT)

“But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.

“They cant keep on sinning, because they are children of God.” Very powerful statement made by John meaning that as true believers we do not make a practice of sinning, nor do we become indifferent to God’s moral laws. We all still sin, but we are working to gain victory over sin.

We all have areas where temptation is still strong and old habits are hard to conquer giving the enemy a chance to gain a foothold so we have to deal with these areas of vulnerability. John is not talking about our incomplete victory, no he is talking about those who make a practice of sinning and then go looking for ways to justify it.

These are three necessary steps to gain victory over sin;

1. Seek the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word

2. Stay away from tempting situations

3. Seek the help of the body of Christ

We have got to be willing to have our brothers and sisters hold us accountable and to pray for us.

When we are born again the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us giving us Jesus’ new life. Being born again is more than getting a fresh start, it means getting a new life, a rebirth into a new family, the family of Christ which could only have happened because of His death for us. At that point God has forgiven us and totally accepts us into His family, and the Holy Spirit gives us a new mind and heart. He begins to help us become like Christ. Our perspective changes because we have a mind that is daily renewed by the Holy Spirit per Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:22-24. 

So we have to think and act differently. “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think...” (Romans 12:2 NLT), “...You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God’s likeness-righteous, holy, and true.” (Ephesians 4:24b).

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039


  After going through today's devotional with my wife in which we talked about mercy, the thought of this blog entry from September 2016...