Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Acts 9:10, (NKJV)

“Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, ‘Ananias.’ And he said, ‘Here I am Lord.”

We know the story, the Lord speaks to Ananias advising him of Saul, yes that Saul who used to persecute Christians, Ananias even thought of his own imprisonment should Saul have his way. Imagine what Ananias would have thought, not Saul that is impossible, he could never become a Christian, everyone knew that Saul was bad news for Christians, his reputation preceded him.

Here the Lord was asking Ananias to go and meet the man who held the warrant for his arrest, Ananias could have just ran the other way, yet Ananias chose to obey God regardless of what negative possibilities might exist.

Every Christian was at the mercy of Saul until God stepped in. All of a sudden Saul felt blind and at the mercy of the same Christians, perhaps it was payback time, you know what goes around comes around. Not here God in all His might was turning everything upside down!

Imagine how Saul must have felt, the first experience he had was a total stranger calling him brother before placing his hands on and praying that his sight be healed. Think Ananias may have had second thoughts? What a lasting impression Ananias left on Saul that when he later became Paul and was telling a crowd of his conversion the only person he named by name was Ananias.

Even though Ananias role in Saul’s conversion was so small, think of the significance of this event. Ananias probably did not realize the importance of his participation. Just like Ananias we usually cannot imagine what God accomplishes through our small efforts. We are not asked to understand His entire plan. All we are asked is to be faithful as we do our part. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to do your part today, what impossible mission do you feel or sense that God will place in front of you today? Be obedient, have no fear, for with Him nothing is impossible.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Stop Praying and Start Moving!

Read Exodus 14:15-31

“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” Exodus 14:15 KJV

We pray, we pray, and we continuously pray, but just like the Lord told Moses to stop praying and get moving there comes a time when we have to stop praying and start moving for you see our actions really show that we live by faith. Blessings, our call they have been placed right in front of us, and we know what we need to do, but instead we go right back to praying for more guidance and we end up sabotaging ourselves. Why don’t we just get moving?

Just as the Lord opened up a path for the Israelites when they saw no apparent way of escaping, He opens up the way for us when we get caught up and think there is no way out. There is no need to panic, God will open up the path for us, and He always does. He is the same God who created the heavens and the earth, the One who performed that mighty miracle at precisely the right time for the Israelites demonstrating His great power and love. He is still doing it for us each and every day.

If you are constantly praying to Him for guidance why not like Moses take that first step, the step of faith. He will get you there, I know, and when I got there I echoed what Asaph said in Psalm 77:19 “Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and Your footsteps were not known.” Thank You Father for showing me the way.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Jonah 2:6 (NKJV) Salvation is there waiting for us!

Time and again like Jonah we have to experience death before we can know the freedom of life. Spiritually it is like we have to give up before we can be raised up, it is like falling into the pit of life, the pit of that whale’s stomach. Just at that time when we realize that there is nothing else we can do, that is when God intervenes and saves us. Remember when Jonah gave up all hope, God intervened and saved him. Before he could live and enjoy the freedom of life Jonah like you and I have to do died to his own desires.

Like a sheep that is so intent and focused on eating that she does not realize she is falling over a precipice we lose focus as did Jonah. Sometimes we need to experience that little bit of death before we can enjoy the abundant life that we have in Him. The moment we think it is all over, that we give up trying the Lord is right there to pick us up realizing that we can’t liberate ourselves and realize that He is there to hold us.

At that moment when we feel that we are at the end of the rope, God does something miraculous. He offers us the gift of grace and mercy. Just like salvation came to Jonah, salvation is there for us, He is waiting to rescue us.

Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Formation of Rayed Redemption Ministry Light of Life Mission and Principal-Designate Announcement

August 5, 2015 – Euless, Texas

Rayed Redemption Ministry’s Founder Pastor David J. Barberis has announced the appointment of Akrura Naik as Director for Formation of Mission for the Ministry in Tainsi 
Village Angul, Odisha, India. Mr. Akrura will also be the Principal-Designate for our church planting efforts.

Mr. Akrura Naik formerly worked at Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry as a Child Development Evangelist.​ He is a row a theologian, evangelist, teacher,& social activist. Akrura always likes to be understanding, caring, loving, amiable, flexible, tolerant & patient.

Akrura lives with his wife Lalita and two sons Adhiraj and Anshuman in Tainsi Village his email address is

About Life of Light Mission: Rayed Redemption Ministry’s Light of Life Mission will respond to the needs of the people in India, and will serve people through local outreach, medical care, disaster relief, training and discipleship.

Most of the over 400 million people in India live on less than $1 per day. And almost half of the children suffer from malnourishment – the highest rate in the world. Daily over 5000 children under the age of five years old die from preventable diseases. While progress is visible in parts of India much of the country still suffers extreme poverty, malnutrition, disease and illiteracy.

The Mission will focus on the following Ministries;


The number of homeless and hungry children in India reaches into the millions. Children’s Ministries will be a vital part of Rayed Redemption Light of Life Mission’s outreach program. The children’s ministry will help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, bring hope to the hopeless and free those that are in bondage. Above all, we will be educating the children about the glory and love of God.

The children’s ministry will provide assistance to orphans and at risk children through our sponsor program which we have a goal of caring for more than 5,000 children in need. Moneys received for the children’s ministry will be sent directly to India for these children to receive food, shelter and an education. A recurring gift of $35 per month will supports a child. In addition to child sponsorships, one-time contributions provide children with useful gifts such as personal care items, immunizations, clothing and mosquito nets. Mr. Akrura Naik will also ministers to 150 children through a weekly food distribution program where we will distribute rice, lentils and vitamins to each child and teach them Bible stories, to demonstrate how God’s love will help change and structure, as well reach out to the parents and attempt to soften their hearts.

The goal of the children’s ministries is to provide effective Christian mentoring and Biblical teachings in their lives for the next generation. Your gifts and prayers for the children cared for by Light of Life Mission will be magnified as they learn about Christ and share His gospel with their families and communities.


While the Children’s Ministry is a vital part of our program, we will also focus on church planting and sharing the Gospel with the unreached people in India, where more than 80% of the people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We will establish a team of dedicated church planters who will be starting new ministries and reaching out to this group of people in the unreached regions of India sharing the Gospel and helping provide for the needs of people in the villages that they will be serving. The church planters will also help identify at risk children who can be rescued and or sponsored through the Children’s Ministry. They will also involve themselves and help with the Prison Ministry, preaching and corresponding with those that have a need to learn about Jesus Christ as well teach and minister to prisoners family members.

You will be able to help support and grow this ministry by supporting a church planter with a gift of $200 a month.


Training effective leaders and counselors is vital to the continued outreach of any ministry. In ministry Leaders and Counselors are a necessity to teach and shepherd as well beginning ministries in new areas.

Rayed Redemption Ministry has a counseling and leadership training program which all Leaders are required to participate in. New Christian Leaders will be trained through this program in order to properly go out and spread the name of Jesus to un-reached areas.

For more information please contact us with any questions 

at 469-528-0255 or

Monday, August 3, 2015

Rayed Redemption Ministry's view of "Biblical Counseling"

Rayed Redemption Ministry's view of "Biblical Counseling"

A Biblical Counselor's understanding of God and Man must be derived from the Scriptures. They must base their counseling upon the inspiration, infallibility, inerrancy, and absolute sufficiency of the Word of God. One is not a Biblical Counselor if they say that the Bible is sufficient for salvation, but that we need psychological solutions for sanctification. True Biblical Counseling is based upon nothing but the "Word of God". However there are many skills and much procedural knowledge to be gained from other sources. While we can learn from general observation of human behavior and the physical world, we must never elevate this knowledge to be equal with Scripture.

A Biblical Counselor must have a high view of the sovereignty and power of God. Psychotherapy thrives in Christian Counseling because Christians have allowed a weak view of God to infiltrate the Church. Jesus addressed this very problem in Matthew 22:29, when he said, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God." To suggest that God can get us to heaven, but in the meantime, He is powerless to transform our lives and heal our minds is faulty thinking.

Rayed Redemption Ministry believes that mankind's emotional and relational problems all started in the "Garden of Eden". Please read chapter three of Genesis about Adam and Eve's fear, guilt, hiding, covering-up, blaming others, etc. All of these were a result of their sin.

It is Rayed Redemption Ministry's belief that genuine Biblical Counseling is based on solid Biblical study. A sound systematic theology and Biblical method of interpretation is essential for the genuine Biblical counselor. There is no substitute for the counselor having an in-depth knowledge of the Scriptures and how to apply them to the problems of daily living. Biblical Counseling is focused on truth. Jesus prayed for us when he prayed "Sanctify them by thy Word, thy Word is Truth" (John 17:17).

As Biblical counselors we must arrive at a true understanding of God and how He works in our lives. We also need to know the truth about the person we are counseling in order to help him acknowledge and respond to the truth. Rayed Redemption Ministry focuses on Bible instruction and relies on other ministries for much of the knowledge on human relational skills and counseling techniques. Many of our following Counseling lessons will refer to outside resources.
Rayed Redemption Ministry believes that Biblical Counseling is dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit. Biblical counselors must realize that they cannot read the hearts of those they counsel. Only God is able to understand the deepest thoughts, motives, confusions and sins of the counselee. A Biblical counselor does not rely upon his own "expertise", but rather, he relies upon the truths of the Scripture as the Holy Spirit convicts with power (Jn. 16:8, Acts 2:37).

Biblical Counseling should lead toward repentance and restoration. To relieve guilt without dealing with the issues of the rebellious heart is a disservice to a fellow believer. Paul writes to the church at Corinth: "Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it. I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while-yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." (2Cor.7:8-10).

Our goal for training Biblical Counselors is that they will become Spiritual mature. And the goal of our Biblical Counseling is to encourage the person we counsel to seek spiritual maturity. Paul writes in Ephesians 4 that our goal should be "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (vv.12-13).

Rayed Redemption Ministry's Certificate Program does not lead to a legal license or certification. You will receive a certificate of completion which will support your counseling, there is no legal licensing or certification requirement for Biblical or Pastoral Counseling.  We believe that Biblical Counseling should be church-based, and is practiced under the authority of and accountable to a local body of believers and the pastor and elders. There is no requirement for a license or certification when provided under a church's authority.

This is the first of twelve lessons on Biblical counseling which supplements our foundational Biblical instruction. We desire feedback on every lesson therefore please send your comments and a brief description of your goals and desires for this study. Keep a copy for yourself and at the end of the study let us both compare these with the results.

If taking the course for credit please submit comments to:

Pastor David J. Barberis
Rayed Redemption Ministry


  After going through today's devotional with my wife in which we talked about mercy, the thought of this blog entry from September 2016...