“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
Jesus always maintained the purpose for His coming to earth, in the main (or theme) verse of the Gospel Luke verse 10 of chapter 19 always calling Himself the Son of Man Jesus stated: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Jesus was responding to the grumbling crowd because He was telling Zaccheus that He was going to be a guest in his house. Imagine the low of the lowest for the Jews at that time, not just a tax collector but the chief tax collector. Jesus is telling them Yes, I am going exactly to his house, the house of the great sinner because that is the reason why I came to this earth as the Son of Man, to seek and to save those who are lost in sin.”
Note that every time tax collectors are mentioned favorable in Luke even though they were so hated (3:12, 5:27, 7:29, 15:1, 18:10, 19:2), Jesus even picked a tax collector Levi or Matthew as we know him as one of His twelve apostles showing His heart for sinners and how by grace His transforming powers would take effect.
In contrast to Zaccheus’ story we had the young ruler who walked away from salvation because he would rather cling to his riches when Jesus told him “How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!” Yes, it is impossible, just as the camel cannot go through the eye of the neddle. But brothers and sister do not despair because as He said “the things that are impossible with men are possible with God (Luke 18:24,27).
Remember that a person is not saved by because of their richness, actions, and heritage, no they are saved by the grace because Jesus came to save all the lost regardless of their background or previous way of life. Through faith, the lost will be forgiven and made new.
David J. Barberis
Rayed Redemption Ministry
Euless, TX 76039
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