Jesus tells us to “stop judging “is a statement against the kind of hypocritical, judgmental attitude that tears others down in order to build up oneself. It is not a blanket statement to overlook wrong behavior of others but a call to discerning rather than negative.
Jesus tells us to examine our motives and conduct instead of judging others. The traits that bother us in others are often the habits we have ourselves. Our own patterns and behaviors are the ones we often want to change in others. As you criticize and accuse someone check to see if you deserve that same criticism. Judge yourself first and then lovingly forgive and help others.
In 1st. Corinthians 4:5a Paul tells us “So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful…” Some Christians evaluate fellow Christians as if they are good followers of Christ or not. But only God knows a person’s heart and only He has the right to judge. We should confront those who are sinning, but we should not judge who is a better servant for Christ. When you judge someone, you are considering yourself better and that my brother and sister is arrogant.
Euless, TX 76039
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