Friday, May 22, 2015


Euless, Texas, May 22, 2015There are inmates and their families who don't know the message of Jesus Christ across the United States; this is one consistently-overlooked group of people.
Rayed Redemption Ministry (Rayed) has been reaching out to this group of men and women on society's fringes through a proven effective model, in which we reach out to inmates and their families planting the seed of the Holy Gospel and supporting them through incarceration and then maintaining contact upon release from incarceration.

Rayed currently works in the state of Texas with offices in Euless, which in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex for the northern part of the state and in Houston for the southern part of the state. On May 20 RRM has joined in a working relationship with Pastor Ervin Hill and Bishop-Dr. Leerma Patterson-Lemons in Stockton California opening up the ministry in Northern California.

Rayed Redemption Ministry a Texas nonprofit corporation will be registered on June 1, 2015 as a California foreign nonprofit corporation with Pastors Hill and Patterson as representatives. “The partnership with local pastors will help implement the program thanks to their having established a strong foundation through their prior work with the community,” said David Barberis Founder of Rayed Redemption Ministry

Pastor Hill said “It is a blessing to be involved with Rayed Redemption Ministry, making a difference and planting the seed of God, as Jesus said in Matthew 25:36 ““I was naked, and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you cared for me, I was in prison and you visited me.””

Rayed Redemption’s Co-Pastor Carmen Ramos states that "By bringing the message of our
Lord Jesus Christ and helping inmates change their hearts, we can help in bringing a dramatic turn from the drug culture and violence that now dominates our society. Rayed is poised to help bring about that change."

Rayed provides people in prisons and jails, and their families with a faith-based reentry education and mentoring program that could be extremely valuable in California in particular.

Bishop-Dr. Patterson commented “It is with great honor that I join forces with such an outstanding prison Ministry as Rayed Redemption Ministry.

Rayed Redemption Ministry was initiated by contacts established through like-minded individuals first through the sport of Racquetball and then through evangelical associates. We visit inmates each week to present a message and distribute lessons, Bibles and other literature by mail. Backed by support from prison officials, the program will continue expand.

Pastor Barberis stated in a recent article, "Incarcerated people and their families across the United Sates have been ignored and under-served once they are released leaving them vulnerable to peer pressures as well the pressures of the “Free World.” Rayed's unique counseling and mentoring program responds to God's call to remember them, and we plan to continue expanding first on a national basis and should it be the Lord’s will globally."

Rayed’s expansion promises to continue, giving hope to prisoners and their families as we unite diverse cultures and regions with the Gospel message. Learn more about ways you can get involved and even become a volunteer with Rayed Redemption Ministry here.

For more information contact:

Pastor David Barberis                                               Pastor Elvin Hill
Rayed Redemption Ministry                                      Rayed Redemption Ministry
Tel. 469-528-0255                                                     Tel. 209-451-7086                     

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