“He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan” LUKE 17:16
Only one of the ten lepers who were cleansed of leprosy by our Lord Jesus Christ returned to thank him. Can you imagine it?, the very son of God, only one out of ten (10 people having a disease more contagious, incurable, and cursed, recognized Jesus as God and thanked him for his grace and love to save him. How many times have you not been thanked or shown appreciation for a noble and selfless action? How does that make you feel? It surely must make you feel bad, helpless, and angry, among other negative emotions that might have an impact on your physical well being as psychosomatic symptoms.
However it did happen to Jesus Christ and it still happens, how many people have turned to the Church for help or have received physical healing from the Lord and have turned away from the same? We do not have enough fingers in our hands to count how many. A Chinese proverb says: "When you drink water, remember the source.” We should always remember those who give us hand during the most difficult moments of our lives, it often happens that when we are no longer facing difficulty and are relieved we forget the "Samaritan" who supported us in that difficult moment, which could have been just being assisted in the street when our car ran out of gas.
Friends and brothers in Christ if Jesus, the very son of God was not thanked by those nine for the miracle of their healing of something as dangerous as leprosy, yet He continued on with His mission to save humanity by giving His life. What then is our response to indolence? What is then our response to the ingratitude of some people who do not stop to be grateful with God or with any act of kindness or gratitude that can come from part of us?
The answer is to think of ten people, there will always be one who returns to thank you for any act of Godly love that you have done with no interest in mind. For that one1, for you and for me Jesus died and was raised from the dead. He is our example and inspiration to continue doing what was commanded: to” love of neighbor.” Be like that "Samaritan", that even he was not of the same race or social lineage of Jesus Christ, he was moved and turned to give glory and thanks to that Jew who had saved his life and gave him the salvation of his soul.
Ingratitude is a product of pride and arrogance, a sign of instability in personality that affects social behavior. Some do not have the ability to give, because they don't know how to receive. They believe that they know everything and deserve all the attention and support of others, or because they exist in their surreal and egocentric world.
The Christian must give, not receive anything to change. "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3). The individual who is firm in his principles and convictions does not boast about what he does for others or their philanthropic actions. He goes about his business fluidly and these action do not determine his personality, he does not go about bragging about his acts of kindness towards others or donations he has made to different foundations or organizations. He gives all the glory and honor to Him who called him to preach the Gospel and model his lifestyle after.
Ask yourself if you were one of those ten who had leprosy, would you have returned to thank Jesus Christ for the miracle that of your healing from this terrible disease. In addition think of how many people have helped you and you have forgotten thank them for their help and support during the difficult times in your life, rather than thinking about those who you've helped who have not thanked you.
Remember this: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)
Who should better than the all mighty God to remember our works, so don't worry if we are thanked and appreciated or not... The heavenly father will do so, always, when we do it heartfelt and selflessly.

I thank God for that love which has rewarded me with other brothers and friends, the family of faith and those Samaritans who are always on the road.
Rayed Redemption.Ministry
Euless, TX 76039
Euless, TX 76039
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